
Images and analysis results are displayed with Kaibu.



A central concept in Kaibu are layers. Each layer can contain different content (images, spot detection results, ...).

  • The visibility of a layer can be turned on and off by clicking on the eye symbol.
  • When clicking on a layer a content specific menu is show, e.g. to change the contrast of an image.

Inspection of your image

Once your image is opend, you can interact with your image.


  • Zoom either with the dedicated buttons, or with the mouse-wheel, or gestures on touch-screens.
  • Pan with pressed mouse button, or corresponding gestures on a touch screen.

In order to see pixel values of an image layer, minimize the Kaibu side-bar.

  • When hoovering over a pixel you will see relevant information such as its position and importantly intensity value.

Appearance: For an image layer, you can

  • Change the lookup table.
  • Change the contrast of the image.