
Reporting bugs

If you encounter a bug, best is to create a GitHub issue. This would allow other users to see reported bugs and proposed solutions. An issue template is provided indicating information that is ideally provided to more quickly identify the potential reason causing a bug, please provide the following information.

  1. How can bug be produced?
  2. Which browser and version are you using?
  3. Version of the FISH-quant plugins. They can be obtained from within the interface


  4. Plugin log. Can be obtained by clicking on the i next to the FISH-QUANT plugin. Please copy to a text file.

  5. Console log. The console log of the browser provides further details that can help for debugging. To acces the console log in Chrome:

    1. In the ImJoy app mouse-right-click.
    2. Select Inspect.
    3. This will open a new interface on the right size of your browser windows. Select the panel Console and copy the entire content, and paste it to a file.

Development team