Development notes



  • is written with mkdocs using the readthedocs theme: mkdocs website

  • Online documentation is automatically build by from the GitHub repository. Configuration file can be used to specify additional pip requirements, e.g. for markdown extension, for the build.

Local build

You can build the documentation locally, before pushing to GitHub:

Install mkdocs: pip install mkdocs

Basic use:

  • Launch dev-server: mkdocs serve
  • Building the site: mkdocs build

PyMdown Extensions

allows to create block-styled side conten

!!! note "This is a note"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

This is a note

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Resize images

Includes the attr_list extension, which allows for resizing (among other things):

![imjoy-connect-jupyter.gif](img/imjoy-connect-jupyter.gif){: style="width:300px"}


![imjoy-connect-jupyter.gif](img/imjoy-connect-jupyter.gif){: style="width:100px"}


Update imjoy manifest

After changes in ImJoy plugins, update the plugin manifest.

Install node.js with conda

conda install -c conda-forge nodejs

Run this command in project root directory

node update_manifest.js